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  • international version

16:35 | 27.06.2013


Αλληλεγγύη στη ΒΙΟ.ΜΕ. από τη Ρώμη και τους εργάτες της Zero Factory

Χθες, Τετάρτη 26 Ιουνίου, οι εργαζόμενοι στη Zero Factory (ένα εργοστάσιο στη Ρώμη όπου οι εργάτες προσπαθούν να ξεκινήσουν ξανά την παραγωγή με αυτοδιαχείριση) απάντησαν στο κάλεσμα για αλληλεγγύη των εργατών της ΒΙΟ.ΜΕ., υποστηρίζοντας τον αγώνα τους για την ανεμπόδιστη λειτουργία του εργοστασίου

Όπως αναφέρει το

Πήγαμε μπροστά στην ελληνική πρεσβεία κρατώντας πανό με συνθήματα, στα ελληνικά, τα αγγλικά και τα ιταλικά, όπως: «Ο αγώνας γυρίζει το γρανάζι» - «Αλληλεγγύη στη Βιο.ΜΕ. - Ο αγώνας σας είναι και δικός μας αγώνας» - «Η εργασία χωρίς αφεντικά είναι εφικτή»!

Επίσης, στείλαμε στον πρέσβη το γράμμα που μπορείτε να δείτε παρακάτω.

Η παραγωγή στα χέρια των παραγωγών και τα εργοστάσια στα χέρια των εργατών

Αυτοδιαχείριση των εργατών και άμεση δημοκρατία από τα κάτω!

Το γράμμα προς τον πρέσβη, στα αγγλικά:

Dear Mr. Themistoklis Demiris, Greek ambassador for Italy

Dear Mr. Antonis Samaràs, Prime Minister of Greece,

We are blue-collar workers, students, precarious and autonomous workers. We address you with this letter to answer the call for international solidarity made for today, Wednesday 26 of June 2013, by our brothers and comrades of the Vio.Me. self-managed factory of Thessaloniki. In May we met and hosted the workers and the Open Initiative of Solidarity with Vio.Me. in Rome during their tour here in Italy. We met and compared our experiences of struggle and resistance.

The workers of Vio.Me. needed to ask for international support because the Greek government doesn't want to legalize this self-managed activity. Even if in Greece the unemployment rate continues to increase, marking historical records, the government places every kind of obstacle against this precious and winning experiment. Indeed, instead of supporting the workers of Vio.Me. politically and economically, the government tries to strangle them financially, denying to legalize their production.

On which side does the Greek government stand? On the side of unemployment, of misery, of hunger or on its population’s side ?

The experiment of the Vio.Me. workers represents a concrete way out of this crisis: it's possible to really exit this crisis by just transforming the political, social and economic model that produced it radically.

Also in Rome there is a similar experience: since the 1st of June 2013 blue-collar workers, students, precarious and autonomous workers reopened the abandoned factory RSI (ex Wagon Lits), to restart and convert the production. After one year and half of occupation and after the bankruptcy of the company, a group of ex-employed together with a wide social coalition decided to retake the factory to produce in self-management and without bosses. This factory of train maintenance was renamed Zero Factory.

The workers of Vio.Me. are not alone. All over Europe and all over the world many people and groups are occupying factories, theatres, hospitals to self-manage the production and the essential services. For this reason, in Greece and all over the world many demonstrations of solidarity and support to the Vio.Me.'s workers took place. In the day when for the first time they will publically distribute the products made under the workers' full control, also here in Rome we want to show our solidarity and our support. Their production shows concretely that to produce without bosses is not just possible but useful. Their struggle is our struggle!

When the crisis hits us in the most violent way it’s the moment to use all the tools we have: creativity, solidarity, self-management of the means of production. These principles point to the only real alternative to the crisis we are living, to the misery and to the poorness that they are trying to impose us.

We demand the unrestrained operation of the Vio.Me. factory under self-management and full workers' control. We demand the immediate legalization of its operation.

Production in the hands of the producers and factories in the hands of the workers!
Workers self-management and grassroots direct democracy!

Workers, students, autonomous and precarious workers – Rome, 26 of June 2013

* * *

Μια δημοσίευση από χθες για το ίδιο θέμα: Διαδήλωση υπέρ της ΒιοΜε στην ελληνική πρεσβεία της Ρώμης

Τι είναι η Zero Factory εδώ

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