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  • international version
  • Members of the EuroParliament supporting conscientious objector Nikos Karanikas

    06.03.2013 - 13:55

    Members of the Europarliament, from various political groups, sign a call for the immediate withdrawal of the charges and the cessation of persecution of conscientious objector Nikos Karanikas in Greece.
  • Greek conscientious objector on trial for 'desertion'

    22.02.2013 - 17:40

    Update: Nikos' trial has been postponed for two weeks. It will now take place on Friday March 8th.
  • Athens: Riot police attacks brutally youth demonstrators and MPs

    14.02.2013 - 12:19

    Young people and MPs from SYRIZA (greece's second largest party) staged a peaceful demonstration in the offices of a government official, in Athens today, and faced the attack of the riot police, leading to injuries.
  • Greek police photoshop marks of heavy beatings of arrestees

    10.02.2013 - 23:26

    Greek police published on Sunday pictures of four persons arrested for an armed robbery. The pictures were clearly modified in an attempt to cover the marks of the heavy beating. All four of them appear to be injured on the face, while the mother of at least one of the arrestees accuses Greek police of Guantanamo-style tortures.
  • Torturing of Greek Police's detainees: New evidence disproves the Minister of Public Order

    10.02.2013 - 22:14

    The press conference given by local police directors, immediately after the arrest, disproves the Minister of Citizen Protection, N.Dendia and the internal administrative investigation.
  • Torture: Greek police exposed once more

    10.02.2013 - 22:00

    While the police claims that the photos were taken at 13.11 – 13.14, internet users noticed the clock on one of the pictures, which shows 8.25 am, thus proving they were taken the day after the arrests. On these pictures one can clearly see recent signs of violence, such as fresh blood on the arrestees’ faces.
  • Hell is ours (Golden Dawn video)

    04.02.2013 - 18:50

    The Network of Information and Solidarity for Antifascist and Anti-repressive Action in Greece presents:
  • Power cuts, a daily reality in Greece (short film)

    31.01.2013 - 12:38

    Republication from
  • Video: Alexis Tsipras at Brookings (22/1/2013)

    23.01.2013 - 16:03

  • Entrevista con Alexis Tsipras, nueva figura de la izquierda de Grecia (Argentina)

    10.01.2013 - 15:31

    Sábado 5 de enero de 2013/ Visión 7 Internacional dialoga en forma exclusiva con Alexis Tsipras, la nueva figura de la izquierda de Grecia, quien busca sacar a su país de la crisis siguiendo el camino argentino de rechazar las recetas ortodoxas y neoliberales, que profundizan el ajuste, la miseria y la exclusión. © Noticiero Visión Siete/ TV Pública/ Argentina
  • Μήνυμα συμπαράστασης στο Δ. Στρατούλη από Βρετανούς βουλευτές και ακτιβιστές

    17.12.2012 - 18:21

    Μήνυμα συμπαράστασης προς το βουλευτή του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ-ΕΚΜ, Δ. Στρατούλη, έστειλαν οι Βρετανοί βουλευτές Τζέρεμι Κόρμπιν και Κέιτι Κλαρκ, του Νέου Εργατικού Κόμματος, οι Γουέιμαν Μπένετ και Σάμπι Νταλού, Γραμματείς της Οργάνωσης "Ενωμένοι Ενάντια στο Φασισμό" (United against fascism), ο Τόνυ Μπεν, εμβληματική φυσιογνωμία του παγκόσμιου φιλειρηνικού κινήματος και πρώην βουλευτής του Εργατικού Κόμματος, καθώς και ο Πολ Μακνύ της εκστρατείας αλληλεγγύης με την Ελλάδα, πρώην γενικός γραμματέας του συνδικάτου εργαζομένων κολεγίων και πανεπιστημίων.
  • What is communism?

    14.12.2012 - 17:37

    A student's chemistry homework


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